Resbee Info technologies (P) Ltd started its IT business on 2016 and initially, they have concentrated on Learning Management System delivered on subscription model. Also, they delivered LMS software as SaaS model from 2016 onwards. In addition to, they are having their own learning platform, MAAZTER Learning App for 12th Tamilnadu student. All these services are running under e-khool Software.
Mission statement: Enlighten the society by anywhere anytime learning
Vision statement: To embody the deployment of technical advancements to upgrade education
e-khool Learning Management System software ensure the advanced learning solution to bring an effective solution for online education in various sectors like Schools, Universities/colleges, Corporates and Academies.
Flexibility: Flexibility is a major feature that a Learning Management System pose, so as to adapt the changing organizational structure and other requirements of an enterprise.
Modular & Open architecture: A module in an LMS system can either be connected or detached without any malfunctioning of other elements, as LMS comprises of an open system architecture. LMS can support quite a lot of hardware platforms for the organizations that hold different collection of systems, apart from the support that are offered to the third party addons.
Comprehensive: LMS is applicable for various sectors such as schools, Colleges/Universities, industries, academies as various functions and processes of the concern organizations can be handled effectively.
Connectivity: In spite of the support provided to the organizations within the boundaries, LMS can oer online connectivity to other business entities too.
e-khool software offers the subscription-based service model for the Learning Management System and tie up with more than 100+ schools. The Learning Management System will be delivered in web application as well as mobile application.
Web application: e-khool software deliver the web application for the teachers, students and admin. The web application is developed using React JS and it is compatible with all kinds of devices. Importantly, it is compatible with all browsers like, Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Opera, Safari.
Mobile application: e-khool software deliver the mobile application for the students where, the student can track the information of their data from LMS. The mobile application which we delivered will be in both Android and iOS.
We have tie up with AWS for the range of product services to ensure scalability, quality driven and 99.99% uptime assurance.
We have integrated multiple service provide to bring a group of services with LMS platform. Look into LMS integrations here
We believe that together with our customers, we are creating a new generation of learning platforms fuelled by artificial intelligence and micro-services architecture.